Determine source for Autocomplete-suggestions in a blended scope
In Primo you can activate autocomplete to get suggestions for search-queries based on what the end-user begins to type in the search-box.
We have tested the functionality and see that it could be useful for the end user to get these suggestions. However we see that the suggestions from the central index in some cases are a little strange and that you get suggestions from the entire index and not only the sources the institution has activated. This means that the end-user could get suggestions that gives 0 results.
The local index suggestions seems to be a lot more accurate and useful.
The source for suggestions are determined based on the scope. For local scopes you get the local suggestions, for a remote scope you get suggestions from the central index and in the blended scope you get suggestions from both local and central index.
We would like an option in the scope-definitions in Primo to decide the source of suggestions for blended scopes. Meaning that we could decide that we would like to get only the suggestions from the local index and not from the central index in blended scopes.

Manu Schwendener commented
NERS 7423, open for voting now.
Stacey van Groll commented
There's no label just for 'Primo', Lisbeth, as this enhancement channel was designed before Primo VE existed. It applies to all flavours of Primo regardless of deployment model. My impression is that it only needs a Primo VE tag if Primo on Back Office already has the functionality, but Primo VE does not. I have seen incorrect entries for this though, as someone on a Primo VE site might not know that a idea isn't possible in Back Office either.
Lisbeth Stjern commented
Would this also be a suggestion for Primo VE, not just Primo?
Manu Schwendener commented
Manu Schwendener commented