Add an Abstract resource type for the Primo Central Index
Primo Central Index contains many records for abstracts of conference papers that have been published in journal issues/supplements.
These records are given the Article resource type in Primo. This confuses users, who when they find these items expect a full-length article instead of a short abstract.
It also creates problems with link resolvers, which attempt to generate article-level links and fail (publishers usually do not provide these abstracts as individual articles).
To fix this, Primo Central should be given a new resource type for abstracts.
The sources for these records are usually large indexes such as Scopus or Web of Science, which already mark these items as abstracts. This would make it easy to reclassify items as the Abstract resource type.
Joseph Deodato commented
I agree that the miscategorization of these resources as articles is confusing but think the fact that the link resolver almost universally fails to locate abstracts because they are not individually indexed is even more problematic.
A Rowe commented
Having an Abstract resource type for this sort of material would greatly reduce user confusion.
We often find the current use of the resource type Article on Abstracts confuses users who contact the library to complain that they can't get the full record only to be told that the abstract is the full record. -
Kim Follett commented
Great idea! This crops up fairly frequently for both borrowing and lending requests in ILL. Thanks!