unpaywall - collection separation
in the webinar : Yes, We’re Open! Open Access in Knowledgebases and Discovery 20231211 1501 1 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhZ34Y1Rzdo) Christine Stohn mentioned that Ex Libribs we interested in feedback to find out how people wanted UnPaywall content to be available, e.g. split up by version.
I would therefore like to proposed that the UnPaywall Collection be split into 3 separate collections, Submitted version, author accepted versions and Version of Record/Published version.
This would not only enable us to only enable the versions we want and avoid those we don't, but also allow us to potentially signpost the version types to our users/make then aware BEFORE they follow the link through that it may not be the version that they are anticipating.
Manu_Schwendener commented