Export to Excel
We would like the "Export to Excel" functionality to be configurable. For exemple, we would like to remove the permalink column from the file.

Manu_Schwendener commented
> fewer than 30 votes
No, 73 votes, please reopen.
It would be great if the patrons could decide what they want to export, -
Manu Schwendener commented
Related, parity issue for Primo VE: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/308176-primo/suggestions/41183158-include-call-number-for-physical-items-in-excel
Petra Gratzl commented
We, too, think that the configuration options for the Excel export are far too limited. We would like to remove the EL Permalink as well and also the PNX field "Vernacular Title" as in our Primo the title in original alphabet is part of display/title. But the field cannot be removed in the View Wizard.
Furthermore there are tags like <b> in CDI data. And also the tags of search words (<span class="searchword">) are exported to Excel...
The implementation of this 2020 feature leaves room for improvements.