browse by subject headings to include 600/610/611
currently browse bib headings by subject does not include 600/610/611 fields (they are placed in 'names'). When browsing by subject one would expect to find all subjects including those that describe people/companies etc.

Cindy Wiebe commented
I was assuming this was for Primo, but it really should work this way everywhere. I wish I could put more than 3 votes toward it. And agreed on adding in 651s to this, as well.
Krista Bowers Sharpe commented
I support this but am not sure if it refers to searching in Alma or in Primo/Primo VE. I've added a Primo VE entry:
Karla Jurgemeyer commented
and places (651)
Jamen McGranahan commented
One of our subject librarians has mentioned the exact same thing.