Highlight OCR text within image in Viewer, not just in full text field
Digital representations seen in the Alma-D Viewer, accessed through Primo, are often PDFs with OCRed text. These items have a "Full Text" field with this text displayed with the item's metadata in the side pane, and using a browser's "CTR+F" function will highlight results for a searched word, but this functionality would be helpful if it also extended to highlighting the word in the image as well. In dense newspapers, for example, the user may find the needed word in the block of full text, but he would then need to examine the image carefully to track down the instance of its original appearance.

Aaron Kilgore commented
For clarification, highlighted text does appear on PDFs in the Viewer, but text in items with other formats like JPEG or JP2 does not, even if they do have accompanying full text.