Add IZ scope for e-resources activated for the IZ in the Network Zone.
SLSP activates a large amount of OA e-resources from the NZ. The use case is to save time and resources for the IZs.
The OA e-resources activated from NZ are searchable in the IZ-wide Search scopes when using the out-of-the-box scope MyInstitution and MyInstandCI. However, they are not searchable in IZ library / campus search profiles. There is no scope that would add NZ e-resources available for the IZ / library / campus to the Search Profile created for a specific library / campus within an IZ.
Library scope in an IZ with Inventory Management Groups (IMG)
If an IZ is using Inventory Management Groups, then we attach the library for which the view is created in the condition. This shows only e-resources of the IZ that are activated for the library or available for the whole IZ without restriction.
Physical Availability – Library = library
OR Electronic Availability – Library = library
Library scope in an IZ without Inventory Management Groups
If the IZ is not using Inventory Management Groups, then we put a condition to display any e-resources in the IZ. This shows any activated e-resource in the IZ.
Physical Availability – Library = library
OR Available Electronic Exists
The NZ e-resources activated with the IMG for the IZ / library / campus or without any IMG restrictions should be considered as the IZ / library / campus electronic inventory. There should be a possibility to add these e-resources to the scopes created for library / campus in the IZ views.