Physical Item Editor Templates
It would be great if we could use templates for adding new items.
At the moment, whenever we add an item, for each single one of them we have to manually fill in the same values in "Material type" and "Item call number type". The "inventory date" has to be chosen manually as well.
It would be extremely useful if we could load the physical item editor form with some values already filled in, and with the date fields automatically filled with the current day's date.
If this idea has already been posted or it the option already exists, please let me know.
Thank you and kind regards

The physical item editor now allows saving an item as a template.
For more information, please refer to the Alma May release notes and online help.
Dear all,
I would like to update that following your feedback on our plans, we will be including making the template selection "sticky" as part of the new item templates design, meaning there will be a user preference for the data that should be pre-populated in the item. This will make item creation more efficient, as the operator would be able to easily add pre-populated items from their selected template, and only need to choose a template if it differs from the previous item they created.
I am therefore merging this idea with the item templates idea. -
Thank you Ariel and Ruhama for your comments.
We are looking into options for templates, to see if we can have a default template, or perhaps make the value of the template used when adding an item from a template "sticky" (so the system remembers the last template you've used and you won't need to choose it every time, only when changing from the last item created). -
Ruhama Amouyal-Lebovich commented
First, thanks for your updates Lili!
Second, regarding the 2nd idea, from my perspective I think cataloguers need a straightforward solution that will work for them more efficiently, so maybe you can combine both ideas, i.e: Allowing cataloguers to use "save as template" action (for those who wish) and adding a button or a checkbox to the screen to save several fields as default. Or you can adopt Ariel's suggestion.
Ariel Lock commented
Regarding the 2nd point, perhaps the two suggestions (templates and defaults) can be put together via a "set this template as default for new items" option. This way one can have several templates and choose one of them as default, if and when desired
Regarding the suggested ideas:
1. Enable all tabs and fields to be editable without clicking on 'save and edit' button - this is not currently on our roadmap, and will be re-considered as part of moving to the new UX.
2. Add 'Save as Default' button - this will be covered by Physical Item Editor Templates, suggested in this accepted idea: -
Marek commented
That's a great idea (especially point 2).
This would greatly speed up the work of many librarians in Cataloging. -
Marek commented
Dear Creators of Alma
Just repeat the functionality of Aleph:
Cataloging -> Item 'Save as Default' button.
This would greatly speed up the work of many librarians in Cataloging.It would be best to implement Ruhama's idea.
Ruhama Amouyal-Lebovich commented
Thanks for supporting the idea Barbara.
Barbara Zuckerstaetter commented
An improved version of this idea has been posted by Ruhama Amouyal: - please transfer your votes (or vote for both)
Thank you -
Ruhama Amouyal-Lebovich commented
I would like to suggest two ideas which can improve the whole management of working with physical item editor:
1. Enable all tabs and fields to be editable without clicking on 'save and edit' button – Currently after you click on 'Add item' and being navigated to the 'Physical Item Editor' form, not all the fields and tabs (General, ENUM/CHRON, Notes, and History) are enabled for editing, the barcode no. is not populated automatically, and the dropdown list of process type is disabled as well. Only after clicking on 'save and edit' button, the complete form, including the tabs are enabled for editing. Therefore, each time you need to add an item, you have to go through 2 phases: 1) fill limited number of fields and click on 'save and edit' 2) edit more fields, choose process type, and add public/internal notes (if needed) and click on 'save'. This workflow is extremely long and if all tabs and fields were enabled for editing in one flow, it would make the whole process faster, easier and prevent users from making mistakes, in cases where they forgot to fill some fields.
2. Add 'Save as Default' button – Cataloguers who most of the time handle the same material type or fill/choose the same content for several fields (including process type) and, etc. would be glad if there was an option to save the content of number of fields as a default, so they don't have to fill them for each item.
I'm aware there's already an idea to add templates to handle this, but I believe this will extend the workflow, because when the cataloguer wants to add an item, first he'll be directed to a screen where he has to choose to load from a template (same as it works with POL's templates) and only then he can fill out any missing data in the form, such as receiving date, enumerations, description, and etc. Hence, the 'Save as Default' button will solve this long workflow and save precious time, so if the user would like to save fields with content and update them from time to time (similar to how it worked in Aleph), he can do it easily and quickly.Please support this idea.
Ruhama. -
Hilda Steinhauer commented
Yes, ist would be useful.
Hilda Steinhauer -
Cindy Bowen commented
Yes! Coming from Voyager, which does have item templates, finding that Alma does not have the same capability has been a hindrance. Being able to pre-set defaults (even on an individual user basis, as in Voyager) would be vastly helpful for streamlining our workflows and preventing errors of omission for fields further down the screen that are easily overlooked (e.g. temporary location or process type).
Ted Schwitzner commented
We request that Alma should include the ability to create item record templates that allow
for default values to be applied to item records. Templates should include at least the
following fields to be useful to catalogers:
Copy ID (frequently set to "1")
Material Type
Item Policy
Is Magnetic
Pieces (frequently set to "1")
Replacement PriceIdeally, templates could also include defaults for each type of note:
Public note
Fulfillment note
Internal note 1
Internal note 2
Internal note 3
Statistics note 1
Statistics note 2
Statistics note 3Alma should provide the ability to create multiple templates and save them by name. Alma
should provide the ability to select a specific template as the default that is applied when
item records are created, preferably separated by the method in which an item is created;
e.g., a default template for items created with PO lines, a template for items created by
serials prediction, a template for adding a physical item to an existing title, a template
for adding a new book or journal article, etc. -
Marc Boucher commented
Lake State is highly in favor of this. This functionality was very basic in Voyager and we miss it. The added steps and wasted time for our catalogers is frustrating. PLEASE consider adding this. Indeed it could be very similar to how the holdings templates currently work in Alma.
Manu Schwendener commented
mcorby commented
I heartily agree with this suggestion. I am currently creating hundreds of item records for an analyzed set. When I click to add an item record, the only field populated is the material type. This is the default material type set for the institution, which is book. If I were working on issues for a periodical run, I have to change this every time from book to issue. It would be great if we had the option to easily change our own default preferences as needed. Some days I work on books, some days I work on scores, CDs, or periodicals. I would like to change the Copy ID, Item policy, Is magnetic, and pieces one time (at the beginning of that days workflow). After scanning in the barcode, the item could be complete. A default template would greatly enhance the time it takes to make multiple item records that are the same, except for the barcode.
JMC commented
This is similar to "Alma Templates: allow user-by-user customization of default holdings templates" Please consolidate votes :-)
H. Thomas commented
This would save time. :-) The material type is another thing that each user should be able to set a preference for: I rarely catalog books (usually scores, sound recordings, others), so must always be sure to change this.
Elaine Lynch commented
Each user should be able to set preferences for Item record fields that match their particular workflow. For example - make it possible to set a temporary location default for when an item record is created. Make it possible for the receive date to be automatically filled in with current date.