Preferred term correction should flip headings that change tag number
Alma authority control does not handle cases where the bib heading is linked to an authority via a cross-reference, but the preferred and non-preferred terms are in different fields, e.g. preferred term is in authority field 130 and cross-reference in authority is in 410.
Alma should be able to handle this scenario. Currently when the bib heading matches the authority cross-reference, Alma won't correct these and instead puts them on this report: Preferred Term Correction - Bib Heading found no authorized term.
Example bib heading that Alma won't correct:
110/2_ $$a Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). $$t Treaties, etc. $$g Germany, $$d 1919 June 28.
The authority record that this heading links to (via its cross-reference)
130/0 $$a Treaty of Versailles $$d (1919 June 28)
410/2$$a Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). $$t Treaties, etc. $$g Germany, $$d 1919 June 28
The bib heading in 110 links to the authority via the cross-reference in the 410, but because the preferred term in the authority is in 130 (and not 110), Alma will not flip the heading.
Now in Alma, the Preferred Term Correction can flip headings with cross-reference in different fields.
For more information, see Managing Preferred Term Correction.
For more information on the report type, see Using the Authority Control Task List.
For more information on the customer parameter, see Configuring Other Settings (Resource Management).
Dear all,
I'd like to update that as part of the November release we will be handling bib headings without alternate graphic representations (linked 880 fields) - as the linking to the alternate graphic representation requires unique, careful handling. We are working on a solution that will be able to correctly handle these cases as well, and will be adding flipping for them in a future release.
Alma product team -
Please note that this is planned for the upcoming November 2024 release.
Dear all,
I would like to update you on the solution we are working on:
Libraries that would like Alma to update the bibliographic record field when the bib heading is linked to an authority via a cross-reference, but the preferred and non-preferred terms are in different types of fields, will be able to configure their Alma institution so that: When the bib heading matches the authority cross-reference, Alma will correct it to the preferred term and update the tag in the bib record accordingly (e.g. from 610 to 630). Non-filing indicators will also be updated if needed.
When enabled, headings linked and updated by the new behavior will appear in the Authority Control Task List in a new report type, “Preferred Term Correction - Bib Heading updated and tag was modified", so catalogers can review and make updates if needed.
The Alma product team -
Skalk van der Merwe commented
I'm out of votes but would like to add my support to this idea!
Please make flipping headings easier.
Fiona Grant commented
In the meantime, not suggesting the cross-reference is valid by placing a looking glass icon next to it in the metadata editor display would be helpful.
ChoyWM commented
Jane Daniels commented
I'm out of votes but would like to add my support to this idea.
Jane Daniels
Lynne Billington commented
Great idea!