New letter for hold shelf slips
When a document is placed on hold shelf, a letter is sent to the user, but no letter is printed. Instead, we are supposed to re-use the FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter as a hold shelf slip, but that solution is not very elegant. This generate a lot of extra “action+print slip” manual labor. In the case of self service hold shelves, the hold shelf slip is aimed at the user and should contain very different information than the information needed by library staff to locate the document. Also, to protect users' privacy, we are not allowed to include any information that can identify the requester on a public hold shelf slip.
Our solution until now[1] has been to hack the FulReasourceRequestSlipLetter to generate different output depending on the work flow step type to get the hold shelf slip though, so we would much prefer having a separate hold shelf slip letter.
Completed as part of Alma December release:
New Letter for Hold Shelf Slips
When enabled, the new Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter (letter code: FulHoldShelfRequestSlipLetter) is printed to the circulation desk printer when the item is placed on the hold shelf, regardless of whether a pick slip was already printed. If printing fails, the item is still placed on the hold shelf but the user receives a warning message that printing failed. This way, it is possible to configure a slip for use for on hold shelf items, that is different than the slip that is used to pick up the item from the shelf.
By default, the letter has the same attributes as the Pickup Print Slip Report Letter, but it can be configured as needed.
The letter is invoked when scanning in an item and placing it on the hold shelf and when selecting the Activate next function on the Expired Hold Shelf page
see release notes at
Annelie Edelmann commented
We at the FU Berlin also see more frequently the need to print a hold shelf slip in addition to the FulReasourceRequestSlip, since we introduced recently the option for patrons to request an item for pickup anywhere on campus. The FulReasourceRequestSlip is printed and designed for the needs of the owning library, whereas the hold shelf slip must fit the needs of the library/cir desk of the pickup location. We feel that the hold shelf slip should not be enforced on every circ desk, but rather it should be easy (easier than today!) to manually demand the slip or define per check-box that this slip should be printed automatically when scanning in or returning an item from transit.