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93 results found
delete pol
We really have the requirement to delete a POL attached to a PO in our daily work, we will have to reopen the POL and then cancel it and then delete it, it’s kind of complicated and can we delete it directly?
13 votes -
Option to configure interested user notification for ebooks to be sent when activation task changed to Done rather than when Activated
We would like the ability to configure when our interested user notifications are sent for ebooks. We would like the option to send these when the activation task is changed to Done in the Electronic Resource Activation Task List instead of when the ebooks are activated. This would give us the opportunity to check the ebook portfolio links and bibliographic records for our Rialto purchased ebooks before the notifications are sent to the interested users.
13 votes -
Allow institutions to configure their own Packaged PO approval rules
Could we please be provided with an option to disable or configure the auto approval rules of POs containing non 'Purchase/Purchase no Letter' POLs.
Institutions currently only have control over PO Line level approval rules in Alma and PO rules are limited as per the documentation -
"A PO with PO Lines that are not one of the following Acquisition methods will not go to Waiting for Approval:
• Purchase
• Purchase No letter"Providing us with the option to configure these options ourselves or via support requests to include/exclude specific acquisition methods will give us more flexibility to…
12 votes -
Reminder notification for licenses due to expire
We have licenses that will expire in X number of years. It would be good to have an option for Alma to send out reminders/notifications (e.g. email) for licenses that are due to expire
10 votes -
Claiming at Item Level
Being able to claim at item-level so that we can mark an expected issue at CLAIMED/CLAIM so that magazines, journals, newspapers, and serial publication books would be easier to claim.
7 votes -
Allow public display of the AcqWorkOrder type to be customized
Currently, when items are in processing under the AcqWorkOrder type, the public display reads, "Acquisition technical services," and cannot be changed. I would like the ability to customize this label as we can with other work orders.
6 votes -
Private labels
In acquisitions we have tagged the POL Line Subscriptions, we have put the label with the renewal month on each POL Line (In Recurring Renewal all the POL Line Subscriptions are mixed, Book Subscription, Journal Subscription, Electronic Title Subscription, etc., these labels make it faster to locate the ones we want to renew each month.
We need these labels not to be seen by other Library Services. Is it possible to have private or public labels? We would also like to group the labels into sublabels.6 votes -
Add item policy to the summary tab in Acquisitions when placing an order
It would be useful to have the library, physical location and item policy on the same page when creating an order. At the moment when ordering a print item we add the library and physical item location and then have to go back and click on the library to enter the item policy which creates an extra click.
5 votes -
License field for Purchase Order Line value
We would like a total values field on the Summary tab of a License that gives us the total cost of all the PO Lines which that license covers. This would tell us quickly the expenditure value of each license in Alma and enable us to prioritise license workflows by expenditure value.
4 votes -
Need job to force POLs out of Claims status
Over the years, many items of all resource types have fallen into Claims for one reason or another. For the purposes of cleaning up records, Alma should have a job that enables Acquisitions managers to force POLs out of Claim status, even for closed fiscal periods or POLs that are closed. The inability to move an item out of Claim due to it not following the strict receiving process is very inconvenient and makes the Claims function almost useless when its so cluttered.
4 votes -
Arcanum Newspapers
Provider: Arcanum4 votes -
Add call number to General information box
In the new UI, when searching for a title, the results do not display the call number in either the holdings summary on the left, or the general Information box on the right. yes, it's only a click away in the 'Holdings' option, but when you're doing a task involving a lit of, say, 200 items, that's 200 extra clicks.
the General information box already shows Material Type, ISBN, Edition, Brief level 10, and a whole lot of other things, so why not the call number?4 votes -
monthly usage data green checkmark link to counter report
After you load usage data and look at the monthly usage data tab, the green check marks should link to the COUNTER report when you click on it.
4 votes -
Allow default filter settings in searches to be customised
Dear creative minds,
There are many search bars in ALMA that have default filter settings. Depending on personal preference and work tasks, the default is not always practical. Time and time again I need to change the filter settings to my particular preference or need. Not efficient in terms of mouse clicks and time!
This issue is conspicuously time and click-consuming when one tries to add a closed PO line to a portfolio, collection or associate it to another PO line. The default filter is set to 'Active' PO lines, so closed PO lines will not be searched. One needs…
3 votes -
Add an option for annual token entry to track "Requests to publish" in multi-year transformative agreements
Currently there are only two options for tracking requests to publish for Transformative Agreements: Unlimited or Number of Tokens. However, for a multi-year agreement with a set number of tokens per calendar year, there is no great way to track this within the Agreement Definitions on an ongoing basis. If we could get the option to track the number of requests to publish for multiple time periods within the same agreement, that would be beneficial for those with multi-year TAs.
3 votes -
More descriptive detail on error Alerts tab
Provide useful details of errors on the Alerts tab where compulsory information missing or erroneous, and link to, or just details of, the field in question.
3 votes -
Display new Library Review request in the Task List
Hello, I am a new customer so this may already be possible... but it would be a great help if whenever a new Library Review is requested to be able to quickly see it in the task list.
It would also handy if you could run a report of all completed reviews. Thanks3 votes -
Add "PO Line Owner" as an input parameter for Purchase/Invoice Review Rules
Adding "PO Line Owner" as a parameter for Purchase/Invoice Review Rules would allow differentiation by location. Our main library uses student workers for ordering, and I want to be able to have review rules in place to catch potential mistakes. Our satellite location has one staff person doing all the acquisitions. These same review rules will be cumbersome for their workflow. Having separate rules allows each location to operate most efficiently.
3 votes -
Currently it is not possible for locally created collections to be displayed in Primo under the Collection facet. Please consider mapping this facet to local collections
3 votes -
Allow the rollover of a set of POLs or the results of an Alma Analytics query
It would be nice to be able to roll just a set of of orders, not individual POLs, or specific types of POLs. In our case, we have two libraries that prefer to have their orders rolled over on encumbrance, and the remainder on expenditure plus an FPC factor. We tried doing this this year by separately rolling the specific library's ledger and then associated POLs, but it took days. I think the issue is that it is trying and failing to roll every other active POL, and then just failing on those that do not yet have active funds.…
3 votes
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