Make Push Selected to MDE button available for Itemized Sets
'Push Selected to MDE' (pushing records in bulk to Metadata Editor) is not available for Itemized sets, but it is available for Logical sets in the current Alma implementation. While the option to Push Selected to MDE is plainly visible in the Logical Set Results view (please see the attached screenshots), it is replaced by the 'Remove Selected' button in the Itemized Sets Members’ view. We would be very interested in having the Push Selected to MDE available for both Logical and Itemized sets. Is it possible to add the 'Push Selected to MDE' to he Itemized view and keep the 'Remove Selected' button at the same time?
This issue was raised originally with ExLibris via incident #00954718 and we were advised this is not current functionality.
We appreciate your support for this idea!

Walter commented
It would really be helpful to have the possibility to push selected members of a itemized set to the MDE
Sally Rimmer commented
I support this idea.