Display e-ISBN (MARC 020 $a) in e-portfolio repository search results
Currently the ISBN displayed in e-portfolio repository search results is the print ISBN stored in MARC field 776 $z. Please change to display the e-ISBN stored in MARC field 020 $a, or display both the print ISBN (776 $z) and e-ISBN (020 $a).
The e-portfolio repository search finds the e-books. In a bib record for an e-book, the e-ISBN is stored in 020 $a, while the print version's ISBN is stored in 776 $z. It just does not make sense to display only the print ISBN, but does not display the e-ISBN in the e-portfolio results.
The example records are with the title:
C# 2.0 : practical guide for programmers
ISBN display at e-portfolio repository search: ISBN: 0-12-167451-7
ISBN of the ebook stored in 020 $a: 1-281-01999-2 plus others
Details, please refer to SF # 00878619.
Thank you!
Hello All,
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.
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Alma Product Team
Petra Gratzl commented
Dear Ian,
Unfortunately your idea was closed recently. I just created a similar idea (related to an Alma case concerning this issue). So maybe you would like to vote for it: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/308173-alma/suggestions/48686747-https-ideas-exlibrisgroup-com-forums-308173-alma