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1610 results found

  1. Recommendations for Improving User Search and Batch Update Functionality

    1. Currently, primary identifier and identifier searches only support the "equals" operator. It is recommended to enhance flexibility by adding options such as "contains" or advanced search functionalities, including the ability to search without a primary identifier, to better support user management.

    2. Batch processes cannot batch update user notes or perform text replacements. It is recommended that a batch update feature be provided for these functions.

    120 votes
  2. Adjust the Analytics report generation time to include events occurring after 8 PM.

    Currently, the Analytics report is generated around 8 PM Taiwan time, which is earlier than the library's closing time. As a result, events that occur after 8 PM are not included in the statistics for the following day. This prevents the library from obtaining complete statistics for the previous day. If the report generation time could be delayed by at least 2 hours, it would be very helpful for Taiwan users.

    141 votes
    2 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →

    We appreciate your feedback on how ETL timing impacts your workflows and the request to adjust the ETL processing time from 20:00 to 22:00.

    Given that there are institutions in various time zones, delaying the ETL time by two hours would have a broader impact across other libraries.

    We carefully evaluated the potential effects and risks of this change and decided to continue with the current schedule of the ETL process.

    We are closing this idea so that you will be able to use your votes for other enhancements you would like to promote.

  3. Developer Network master NZ account that can access/support each member IZ

    This is an idea to improve the infrastructure of the Developer Network for consortia central offices.

    Consider the case of support staff in the central office of a consortia. When using the Ex Libris Support Center, we are able to view open cases from across our consortia members and update them, assist them, etc as necessary, using our central consortia "master accounts"

    Unfortunately, in the Developer Network, we have a central account, but it is only connected to our Network Zone for managing API keys, seeing API usage, and managing users. If we want to be able to support all…

    51 votes

    After a thorough analysis of your request, we regret to inform you that, due to technical constraints within our current system architecture, we are unable to provide a solution that would allow a central NZ API account with the "user manager" role to also manage member IZ accounts directly.

    While we understand this may not be the desired outcome, the existing method you are utilizing—creating separate accounts for each Institution Zone and using the "+IZName" email convention—remains the only feasible approach at this time. We recognize the limitations of this workaround, particularly concerning multi-factor authentication and administrative overhead, and we truly empathize with the challenges it presents.

    We remain committed to enhancing our systems and will continue to evaluate possibilities for improving consortia support in the future. Your feedback is invaluable, and we encourage you to share any additional ideas or concerns you may have.

    Thank you again for your…

  4. Separate AutoHoldings collection for Taylor & Francis eBooks

    I would like to propose the creation of a separate AutoHoldings collection specifically for Taylor & Francis eBooks. At present, the AutoHoldings job is being managed within the "Taylor & Francis eBooks Complete Collection" (Community Zone Electronic Collection ID: 611000000000000660).

    The absence of a distinct AutoHoldings collection for Taylor & Francis eBooks presents challenges in terms of effectively managing and tracking our holdings. A dedicated collection would greatly enhance our ability to maintain accurate records and streamline workflows.

    We've noticed that other publishers, such as SpringerLink and Wiley Online Library, have separate AutoHoldings collections, including:

    SpringerLink Books - AutoHoldings

    11 votes


    For newer integrations, we will create new autoholdings dedicated collections.

    However, this integration has already been deployed long ago, so any change will cause issues to customers who use it.

    Therefore, after consulting Alma ERM, we will not be making this change.

    Kind regards,


  5. Show folder and column details in filters in alma analytics where multiple columns have identical names.

    When creating a repost in Alma there are certain subject areas (e.g Physical Items) where a column name is identical across multiple folders.
    For example:
    Material Type (Physical Item Details)
    Material Type (Bibliographic Details)
    Material Type (PO Line)

    when viewed in "Create" view in Alma you can see the folder headings above the column headings and there identify which is which.
    However when used as filters, only the column heading is displayed - therefore it is impossible to identify which is which without clicking into each filter and looking for Column Formula to see which folder it comes from.


    81 votes
    6 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →

    Dear Colleagues,

    Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your concerns regarding the suggested workaround.

    There is a solution, though it not be user-friendly for those unfamiliar with SQL.

    We appreciate the importance of making our tools as accessible as possible, however, implementing the requested change would require significant time and resources. This would divert our focus from other critical features that could provide greater overall benefits to our user base.

    We value your input and are committed to continuously improving our services.

    Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

    Best regards,

    The Analytics Team

  6. Add function to suppress a bib record from a title search results list

    Add the ability to suppress or unsuppress a bib record directly from search results without having to open the record in the Metadata Editor. It's inefficient to have to have to open and close the MDE for that single task.

    3 votes
  7. Alma - Analytics allows to count usage statistics of full text downloads executed from the 2 download buttons visible in Primo.

    We have Primo VE, for the moment Alma does not record in Analytics the downloads made from the PDF viewer. Analytics only counts downloads when using the download button outside the Primo viewer (top right).

    It is required to have real statistics of downloads of digital objects, from the 2 operational buttons in Primo, i.e. the button located inside the PDF viewer and the one located outside the PDF viewer, since it is not possible to know which of the buttons the user will use.

    1 vote
    Closed  ·  1 comment  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
  8. Integration with worldshare

    Have Alma and Worldshare ILL talk with each other enough that they share updates with each other. Right now, the only thing we can do is send a new request to WorldShare. All other functions have to be done in both Alma and WorldShare: receive, return, request for renewal, and cancellation.

    3 votes

    The missing functionality is dependent on WorldShare development. Alma's NCIP server does enable other broker systems such as ILLiad and Tipasa to communicate actions such as receive , return, renewal and cancellation. That requires the broker system (WorldShare) to implement its end of the integration.

  9. Please add specific limitations for interlibrary loan requests in Primo VE between institutions.

    We are a library consortium that conducts interlibrary loans through a fulfillment network. We hope that when a reader from Institution A requests a book from Institution B via Primo VE, if Institution A already has the book and it is available for loan, the request cannot be processed.

    If Alma has this filtering function, it can not only save shipping costs but also reduce the waiting time for readers.

    88 votes

    Using the Automatic Fulfillment Network (AFN) , a request is placed from the borrower's GetIt tab in Primo as a resource sharing request. As such, local display logic rules may be used to hide the resource sharing request based on local ownership.

    Fulfillment Network requests that are placed directly at the lender's GetIt tab cannot consider availability at another institution. 

  10. New institutional number sequence, or reset Additional ID, to shorten hold shelf pickup number

    In the April 2019 RN the feature "Additional ID for Hold Request Management" became available and it has been very useful for our library, especially since we have an open hold shelf and need anonymized hold shelf slips. By the end of 2022 we noticed that the number sequence wasn't reset when it reached 999-999-999 like we expected it to. Instead new numbers are added and we've been told that it will just continue to add new numbers and never reset. Very long serial numbers are not user-friendly, neither for the staff, nor for the patron.

    To prevent long numbers,…

    197 votes
  11. make location type „unavailable“ functional: items in these locations should be shown as unavailable in Alma and Primo

    We need the possibility to show items as unavailable in Primo without creating requests (work orders) for them.

    Our use cases are
    - items which have been restituted (via a provenance research project) and are no longer in the library
    - items which are blocked for usage for years
    - items which are not usable for certain reasons
    All of these have to be shown in the discovery interface, although users won't get them for a long time or at all.

    Now, all of these items have a "green" availability status in Primo and we struggle to put information about…

    174 votes
  12. Fix the multi-page list display bug in Rialto

    There is a a bug in the Rialto list display function which I have encountered numerous times: When I go to the second (or later) page of a List in Rialto and take an action on one of the items such as moving it to a cart, the list is refreshed and redisplayed incorrectly. For example, with 30 items in a list, before the second page refreshes, it correctly displays items 21 through 30 in the list with the heading “21 through 30 of 40.” After refreshing, the header says “21 through 40 of 30”! Additionally, the book titles that…

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →

    Dear Rialto customer, 

    The behavior you described in this idea exchange is more of a bug than an actual enhancement. This issue was passed to Rialto's development team for analysis and should be addressed in one of the nearest releases.

    In case you would like to receive an update once the matter is fixed, please open a support ticket with Rialto support.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    Noam Fass | Alma product management team. 

  13. Reset PO and POL number every year

    Dear colleagues,
    Currently, the POs and POLs numbers are generated automatically and the turn of the calendar year has no effect on it.

    We would find very convenient that, at the start of each year, the sequence starts again.
    The first PO of 2023 of would be PO-2023-1, same with the POLs POL-2023-1.
    The numbers would gain in clarity.

    Thank your for considering this.

    Kind regards,

    336 votes

    Dear community,

    This story has 2 parts:

    • Having the calendar year as a prefix without the need to explicitly define it in the beginning of each year
    • Having the sequence to be restarted when a new calendar year begins

    After checking the technical implications, we identify that this change is risky and might cause duplications and data mismatch.

    Decision is that we will not implement this due to technical risks.

    Best regards,

    Tamar Fuches

    Alma product manager

  14. Add Address fields in filter search

    Under 'Contact', there are a few address fields where values are indexed. Besides the standard fields, it would be helpful to add the Addresses to the filter search to allow retrieval of results. Otherwise, it would be even better to allow the administrator to customize the fields they require for their needs. Thanks,

    1 vote

    Hello All,

    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Alma.

    Alma Product Team

  15. Allow search of email address by domain or local part

    is it possible to allow search of email address by local part or domain to cater for flexibility ? Thanks.

    1 vote

    Hello All,

    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Alma.

    Alma Product Team

  16. Additional Input Parameter Options for Item Description Templates

    When creating an Item Description Template it would be very helpful to include additional Input Parameter options such as Permanent Physical Location. We utilize different description orders on our labels dependent upon the different locations items are shelved and there doesn't seem to be a way to distinguish the differing order with the current parameter options. More input parameter options would allow for greater individual institutional nuances and their unique practices.

    For example, I could have an unclassed serial shelved in "serials" with material type issue and I want the description to display as:
    v.{EnumA} no.{EnumB} {ChronI} {ChronJ}
    I could…

    3 votes

    Hello All,

    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Alma.

    Alma Product Team

  17. Dara recommendation for parser parameter updates if there is a parser parameter override

    If a Alma user enters a parser parameter override for an eportfolio while ExLibris is investigating an update to the current parser parameter, it would be useful to receive a Dara recommendation when ExLibris updates the parser parameter so the user can remove the override because ExLibris will not remove local overrides and the override will still be in affeect.

    3 votes

    Hello All,

    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Alma.

    Alma Product Team

  18. Display note/comment field and requestor information in Alma Mobile

    It would be very helpful to have the note/comment field from requests display in Alma Mobile, particularly useful if the note/comment directly effects how, why, when, etc. the item is pulled.
    It would also be helpful to have the requestor information (ie their name) display in Alma Mobile, especially if multiple patron requests are being fulfilled at one time and/or they are pre-pulled items that just need to be filed on a hold shelf.

    3 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Hello All,

    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Alma.

    Alma Product Team

  19. Suppress bibliographic records of electronic collections in NZ automatically.

    Currently bibliographies of electronic collections, which we select "Mark Bib as suppressed" on the page of "Activation Wizard: Electronic Collection and Services Setup" and activated from CZ, are suppressed in IZ. But these records are in NZ and can be searched with consortium scope of Primo VE. It would be great if it is suppressed not only in IZ but also in NZ automatically. The necessary workflow looks as follows:
    If held by one institution in a consortium and suppressed, suppressed from NZ.
    If held by some institutions, and only one of them suppresses, not suppressed from NZ.
    If held…

    18 votes

    Hello All,

    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Alma.

    Alma Product Team

  20. 490's accompanying 830 field display

    When you search titles, Alma currently displays 830 in the Series field when traced (490 with a 1 indicator).
    However, 830 depending on 490 means that 490 takes precedence.

    It must be said that the trace which 830 is, is supposed to be used to be able to view 490 by the cataloguers and librarians.
    But currently, when using the trace, 490 is not displayed.

    When you have a 490 field with several $a, you write several 830s.
    For example ISBN: 9784043675043.
    245 00 $$a Tō enmei.
    490 1# $$a Kadokawa bunko ; $$v 13617. $$a Kadokawa sofia bunko ;…

    3 votes

    Hello All,

    This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 20 votes.

    This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.

    We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Alma.

    Alma Product Team

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