Don't Require Clicking 'Done' to Trigger Loan Receipt Notices
Currently, staff need to click done after checking out items to a patron to trigger loan receipts. This is an unnecessary step and should be eliminated. Instead, trigger receipts when an item is checked out, much like how returned item notices are triggered.

Carly Anderson commented
This is a good idea so that patron's always get their loan receipt notices but patron's don't like getting inundated with a lot of notices at once. If the loans could still be bundled into one e-mail but still send without hitting 'Done', that would be ideal.
Debbie Campbell commented
It would be helpful, when loading an offline charge file into Alma, to provide a checkbox option to send loan receipts for each individual loan recorded in the upload file so that patrons are able to receive the e-mail reminder of their loan's due dates. (I understand that it would likely not be possible to collate the uploaded loans into a single email for the patron.)