Improve visibility of Publishing Information for electronic holdings
The Publishing Information for electronic holdings is extremely valuable for troubleshooting issues with the assignment of availability status for PCI / CDI records, and with the Link Resolver matching of the OpenURL data with Alma records and presentation of services.
With the Central Discovery Index (CDI) coming, and the associated transition of the management of discovery records out of the separate PCI interface and into Alma, many sites may take the opportunity to update and realign team responsibilities, with more staff in Alma having a need to see this information.
Visibility of this core metadata at a minimum helps staff to understand the nature of these services, which can only help when reporting issues to Ex Libris, even if library staff take no action directly.
Unfortunately, although the data is Read Only, it is only available to Administrator level roles.
The Electronic Inventory Operator role should have the ability to see the Publishing Information.
The access via the additional button dropdown menu is not obtrusive and is appropriate to the feature, but it would be good to have this change available as a privilege which could be requested to be added, for sites who would not like this change out-of-the-box.

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Stacey van Groll commented
It is worth noting as well that Publishing Information is also not available to staff even with the 'Read only' type of Administrator role, despite the data itself being 'read only'.