Add more fields to the Update PO lines information & Update POLs Advanced jobs
All fields of the POL should be something that can be updated by job.
Some specific fields that it would be really helpful to have in the Update PO Lines Information or Update PO Lines Information Advanced jobs are:
Subscription from/to dates
Renewal date
Cancellation Restriction checkbox & Cancellation Restriction Note
While it might be possible to update these fields via the APIs, the permissions and skill level needed to use the APIs is much higher than to run jobs.
Now, in Alma, new fields were added to the "Update PO lines information" job.
Elizabeth York commented
Alma Product Team, I see this is planned, which is very exciting! As you are working on adding fields to the Update PO Lines information job, would it also be possible to add Associate PO Line to this job? See my post . Here is the use case:
We made a large prepayment (the parent POL), and now we are creating technical orders (the child POLs) for all the items we chose to purchase with that pre-payment. We need each of the child POLs to have the parent POL as its Associated PO Line. We can create the child POLs in a batch using a New Order Import Profile. However, we have no way to batch-assign the Associated PO Line to all the child POLs. The New Order Import Profile does not have an Additional PO Line field, and the PO Line jobs in Alma do not include the ability to add or update an Associated PO Line. So, there is no way to add an Associated PO Line aside from manually editing each individual PO Line. This is a lot of manual work.
So, as you're already working on adding fields to the Update PO Line Information job, could you also add a field for Associated PO Line?
Thanks for considering this!
Line Eidstø commented
This is a good idea. We also need the fields reclaim interval and subscription interval added to the job "Update PO lines information", Claiming grace is available today in this job and is found in the same secton of the POL as the fields mentioned above. It seems illogical that only claiming grace can be changed in the job.
J. Collins (UBE, SLSP) commented
Also very helpful would be the Reclaim Interval field in the Update PO Line Information job. We would like to activate the automatic claiming job and the field is emtpy in many of our POLs.
Amy Dittman commented
I can't edit this, but I'd like to add the Activation Note field to the fields to be updated in one of the PO Lines information jobs
Patricia Farnan commented
Good idea. Added my last vote (after removing it from another idea that was similar but more narrow.
Barbara Weir commented
Agree! We want to update the subscription dates fields in hundreds of POLs and were surprised to find there's no job to do so.
Jaymie Turner commented
Also ran into the need to update Note to Vendor field - this one should be included too!
Jaymie Turner commented
Second! This would be very helpful for the cancellation restriction notes as we put our package deal information here. Being able to run a job to update/add this information would be extremely helpful.