portfolio link checker
Develop a built-in link checker that generates a regular report of all active portfolios in Alma with broken links. Display broken links on a task list for staff to investigate and update.

In order for a linkchecker to work properly it actually needs to run on the client side as links to publishers interfaces are restricted to IP ranges of the library.
Having a linkchecker run on the server side will result in links that will be presented with publisher’s login pages and will not yield the expected results of a linkchecker.
Due to the above Alma support for linkchecker is through integration with external client based linkChecker applications – read more about here:
phillips salt commented
Click the SEO tab. Select Link Checker from the list of options. In the Link Checker section of the Search Engine Optimization Checklist, select Analyze your content for links. On the next page click Analyze your content for links. Please check this link .... https://seotoolsystem.com/de/websites-broken-link-checker
Manu Schwendener commented
[From the Alma mailing list, subject '
Update on 2020 Alma enhancement process']Hello Alma Community,
We’re writing from the Alma WG to inform the Alma community of some changes to NERS enhancement request #6968 from 2020.
We have learned that enhancement #6968 [Provide the ability to identify broken links to electronic and digital resources] (50 points) is not able to be completed due to technical limitations. ExLibris apologise for not identifying these limitations during the pointing activities. When they started to work on developing this enhancement ExLibris found they could not overcome the restrictions of various vendor security measures.
Because #6968 could not be completed, it has been removed from the NERS enhancement process. [...]
In conversations with Ex Libris, we have emphasized the importance of improving link-checking workflows in Alma. ExLibris acknowledge the importance of linking issues experienced by the community and have agreed to add to their Alma roadmap a feature such as ‘report broken link’. The full details and timeline for this development will be worked on in conjunction with the Alma Working Group. [...]
Amelia Rowe & Catherine Grove
(Alma WG co-coordinators) -
Manu Schwendener commented