More easily edit/delete POL templates
We would like to be able to more easily update our POL templates. As far as I can tell, you need to create a new order, make adjustments in the POL, and then Save As Template - overwriting the old template. There should be an easier process.

Manu_Schwendener commented
Anonymous commented
This is 100 % correct. Not everybody has the same needs and needs a different template...
Steve Silver commented
Fully support all the comments, and would add that currently finding how to delete a POL template is incredibly non-intuitive. A separate list from which templates could easily be created, edited, and deleted would be very helpful. This is not something we do very often, so it needs to be very intuitive, or we end up bugging support every time trying to remember how to do it.
Kate Seago commented
Templates should be manageable separate from other operations. It makes sense to be able to add, edit and delete them without having to do another transaction.
Dale Cousens commented
We have over 80 POL templates and having to create a new POL to edit them whenever our workflows change is a huge amount of work.
Ideally the Acquisitions POL templates would be listed in a similar way to Bib and Holding templates so you can select one to edit or delete. Access to the full list could be limited to Manager or Admin access but everyone with Purchasing permission should be able to see a list of templates they have created. You should also be able to make private templates public from the same place.
In a perfect world we would also like to be able to export these templates for use in automated POL creation through scripts. -
Christy Brown Anderson commented
I agree that the current method of having to create a POL and then create the template from that is odd, like putting the cart before the horse. A template should be able to be made ahead of time. And having a place that lists them all and editing capabilities from there would be much more user friendly.
Elizabeth Holmes commented
I support this. It would be much easier to manage these if there was a place where the user could see all of the PO line templates that are available and then edit them there rather than having to create a PO line to do this.