Add Job Category to Update/Notify Users
It seems strange that you can add User groups, roles etc in the Update/Notify USers job but the Job Category isn't available.
It would be useful if you could add this as we are starting to use Job Categories is TOU rules and being able to assign them based on a set of users would be really helpful.
Corinne Gilroy commented
Adding my support for this. Our students' privileges change from "extended" to "regular" when they graduate and become alumni. I can't expect my staff to make this change manually for hundreds and hundreds of graduates. 5+ years is too long to wait.
Bill To commented
Is it so difficult to add one more field that eligible to update after 2 year's suggestion???
Manu Schwendener commented
Georg Schrattenecker commented
Would be a nessesary addition to the job and for us very helpfully.
Nicola Carson commented
Would be a welcome addition to the job...
Matthew Hooper commented
The job category field is a viable fulfilment rule filter (appears in the rule parameters), but can only currently be manually updated one-by-one from within the Alma user interface.
We were going to use this field to give researchers and external students enhanced fulfillment privileges, since patron groups wasn’t really viable due to external records being locked down as part of our University’s identity management policies to standard roles – ie student, staff, postgraduate etc..
Unfortunately the patron loader integration allows for empty job categories to be updated, but does not currently allow for any updates once a non-empty value has been defined.
For external records I think this field needs to be updated from the patron loader integration and APIs. Otherwise there is no sane way to manage this field in any sort of automated way.