Improvements to Pick From Shelf list needed
Currently our staff spend too much time managing requests. Improvements to the interface for Pick From Shelf would help in some of these cases. We would like to see:
- A search box.
Very often we need to target a particular request, a task made more difficult by less than ideal facets (see #2). Search functionality exists under Monitor Requests & Item Processes, but not all options for handling requests are available in that view (such as "Skip Location").
- Better facets.
Two of the facets available in the Monitor Requests & Item Processes view would be great for Pick from Shelf: "Request/Process Type" and "Pick-up Location". Currently we have a need to facet out temporary move requests in order to view only the patron physical item requests. To do so in Pick from Shelf we use the "Destination" facet, which is still not ideal because we cannot see individual library hold shelves or whether an item is for office delivery. "Request/Process Type" would allow us to separate the two types of requests very easily. The facet "Pick-up Location" from Monitor Requests and Item Processes would then allow us to see which hold shelf an item is routing to or whether it is for Office Delivery. Adding these two facets would allow us to prioritize our requests more efficiently.
Milo Ono commented
This would also be helpful for our request processing, especially improvements to the "Destination" facet. Currently, each request for Office Delivery or Home Delivery shows the Destination "Undefined" and are not grouped together. If all Home Delivery requests were grouped together under this facet, like all "Hold Shelf" requests are, for example, that would be very helpful.
Duncan Jones commented
We've been getting requests from our staff about being able to see and sort by request time
Tom Kistell commented
Here at Sheffield Hallam, we would like to see more fields added to Pick From Shelf, including Pickup Location. Colleagues who use PFS on a regular basis have said they would really welcome the ability to customise the export. They have said these changes would enable them to do more sorting at the shelves rather than when they're scanning in items.
Mark commented
It would also be helpful to be able to see and facet filter by Level of Service. This would allow an urgent response to Rush digitization requests.
Lynne Billington commented
Sort by time stamp would be useful too
Chris Jones commented
See also the "Add seach box to Active Hold Shelf" Idea