When using Scan in Items, provide a pop-up window when there is a hold on an item.
When we process returned materials from resource sharing partners we use Scan in Items. If there is a hold on an item it only displays the message on the screen, and does not provide a pop-up alert. It would seem useful to provide a similar pop-up like you get when processing items with Return Items.
As of March release you can configure how pop-up messages will display in the Scan In Interface. All messages can be configured to appear as a pop-up message, a feedback message, or to not appear at all. This is defined in the Scan In Messages Configuration table. Additionally, a yellow icon is added to the list of scanned items for patron request of types Booking Requests, Physical Requests, and Patron Digitization Requests to draw the scanning operator’s attention that some items have a patron request associated with them.
An additional informational message was added to the Scan Items page for lost items which were returned (Lost status removed). This message appears as a feedback message and can be configured similar to all other messages in the Scan In interface to appear as a pop-up message, a feedback message, or to not appear at all.
For more information please see Alma Release Notes:
Lesli M Moore commented
See also ideas 10577763 on pop-up notes for item statuses, and 15375330 on pop-up windows
Lesli M Moore commented
See also ideas 15987739 on configurable pop-up notes, and 10577763 on pop-up notes for item statuses
Manu Schwendener commented
Anon commented
I am also interested in configuring work-order pop-ups. Right now in our library, Tech Services will scan in an item, and a pop-up will appear that states there is a work order on the item, and which kind. However, we use the "notes" field a bunch at my library, and it would be extremely helpful if the content of the "note" field also displayed on the pop-up. Has anyone else experienced this road block?
Anonymous commented
When processing items for Reserves, we use the "Move" function to request books from borrowers. There is an option to add a note when submitting a Move request, which I use to enter the related course. But the note is only visible in the “monitor requests” page.
When the item is returned, there is a pop up indicating its destination (e.g. Temporary Shelf/Reserve). It would be nice if the note appeared in the pop-up too to facilitate further processing.
Alternatively, a search option to retrieve an item’s attached reserve info would make the job easier too.
Anonymous commented
When checking (receiving) in periodicals In Voyager, we used to be able to create pop-up notes to indicate alternative shelving location, or other factors unique to title. It would be very helpful to have this in Alma. Currently, the the staff member assigned to receive and claim serials keeps a list of exception notes on paper.
Anonymous commented
Also, the ability to add patron pop-up notes, the existing feature is great but often student workers don't notice the note. Patron pop-ups allow us to do nice things for our patrons, like leave a note about a book they might enjoy, or a note about having their lost USB drive. I really miss that feature!
Wade Guidry commented
Also, the ability to suppress circulation related pop-ups, such as "patron expiring", which becomes cumbersome on days when all students are expiring (like last day of term)
Wade Guidry commented
Would this request also include the ability to suppress pop-up notes? For example, the ability to suppress pop-up notes that say "shelve to temporary location" on check-in, which wreaks havoc on check-ins done via RFID (prevents ability to do multiple item check-ins... )
Karen Glover commented
In addition to pop-up user notes, I would like to be able to determine when a pop-up note is needed at scan-in and be able to add pop-up notes for items, status changes, processes (particularly transit from one library to another).