Problems receiving documents from POL (Purchase order Line)
Since the change to Alma's new visualization, when receiving the document from the order (POL) there are two behaviors that, in our opinion, are regressions:
- When we mark the check for “Keep in department” Cataloging copy, this check is not marked for future reception. We request that this check be kept marked by default.
- When the reception date has to be entered, marking a date before the current date on the calendar is not allowed.
What we are asking for is that, since this improvement that has been presented (display of all data integrated in the POL), when we mark the check for “Keep in the department” Copy cataloging, this check is left marked for a future reception. In addition, it is allowed to put a past reception date. These two features are allowed from Acquisitions > Receive and Invoice > Receive. However, they are not permitted since Alma's improvement of displaying everything integrated in the POL is the most useful, in our opinion.