Include more than 30 or an unlimited number of local parameters in Alma Analytics
We find Analytics to be very powerful, but we are hampered by its limitation to only selected MARC and a limit of 30 local parameters.
We hope ExLibris will include more or an unlimited number of local parameters in the future.
When we signed up for Alma, our team expected all MARC bib codes would be available in Analytics and they are not. In addition, we have defined several local fields and must assign them a local parameter to be able to output them in Analytics. We have been rationing the 30-alloted local parameters ever since.

Patricia Farnan commented
Good idea. I have no spare votes at this time but support this idea.
Andy (UCLA) commented
I 100% agree with this. Storage is cheap (even at Alma's scale), and the MARC record doesn't have an infinite number of fields or subfields. Being able to report on the full extent of data in our MARC records is important. Normalization rules in Alma are helpful, but there are times when we need to explore data in ways which Alma itself does not (and probably should not) support. Analytics is that tool.