Metadata editor: LDR form opens automatically
With the November 2023 release, we noticed a change in the metadata editor.
With the configuration "forced form editing" activated, whenever a record is pushed to the metadata editor, the LDR form is opened automatically and this is irritating, since cataloguers do not necessarily want to start working on the LDR, and the display of the form takes up a lot of screen space. Moreover, the LDR form opens again when saving the record.
We would like to suggest the following adjustments:
- the LDR form is not automatically opened when entering a record
- the LDR form is not opened when the record is saved.

This was completed and available in the February 2024 release.
Stacey van Groll commented
That sounds like a defect to me and I'd suggest to do a SalesForce case. It doesn't match what was advised as the Resolved Issue in the November 2023 Release Notes:
November 2023 Resource Management SF: 06722317
In control fields such as LDR and 008, when "Force form editing" was enabled, the form did not open immediately and it was possible to accidentally add a character that caused a line break. This was fixed, and the form opens as soon as the cursor is moved to the control field. Note that if LDR is set to force form editing, the LDR form is open when entering the record.