XML Expansion for "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter" with Data about Reshelving Status and about Expected Date when Item will be Reshelved
For fetching requested media at the stacks we are making use of the "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter" in printed form which we customized according to our needs.
Unfortunately, the data fields that contain
- the information that the requested item might currently not be at the stacks because it has just been returned and is therefore very likely on its way back to the stacks (Status = awaiting_reshelving)
- and the information when the requested item is expected to be reshelved ("reshelving_time")
are not provided in the XML data of the "Full Resource Request Slip Letter".
This information, when be presented on the "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter" printout, would be very helpful, as in our case it will avoid unnecessary walks through the shelves at the stacks.
The data fields we need for the printout are available in Alma. They can be viewed in Alma and as well as in PrimoVE and can be accessed via the Alma API. The generation of this data is based on the library's "Time to reshelving (hours)" settings. (see attached file: LibrarySettingsTimeToReshelve.gif)
You can find the information concerning the fields "awaitingreshelving" and "reshelvingtime":
- via Alma API: when quering via Bibs API in the fields "awaitingreshelving" and "reshelvingtime". (see attached files (BibsApiRequest.txt + BibsApiResponseJson.txt))
- in Alma System: when displaying information on item level you can find the information in the column "Status" (see attached file: InformationDisplayedInAlma.gif)
- in PrimoVE System: the information can be found in "Status:" of the single item (see attached file: InformationDisplayedInPrimoVE.gif)
We would be very happy about the inclusion of the two data fields into the XML data structure of the "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter".
Thank you