Set "available from date" and "available until date" in import profiles
It is currently possible to set "available from date" and "available until date" in electronic portfolios either manually or with a job. But it would be useful to set these dates in import profiles too.
One use case is a collection of Swank streaming video titles. The library wants to load MARC records because the CZ records are too brief. Here are the steps the library must take:
1. Run the import profile to load the records and create electronic portfolios.
2. Create a set of the newly created electronic portfolios.
3. Run the "Change Electronic portfolio information" job on the set of electronic portfolios to add a designated "available from date" and "available until date."
This would be a more efficient workflow:
1. Run the import profile to load the records and create electronic portfolios.
2. The import profile applies a designated "available from date" and "available until date" to each newly created portfolio.

Suzanne James-Bacon commented
Related to this, have the General Tab- Available From/To dates be included as fields available in the Portfolio Loader spreadsheet. This would also make them available as part of the portfolio Extended Export, which they currently aren't, and would make finding and identifying portfolios with/missing them a lot easier.