Make reports in the ACTL of a network environment comprehensive
Working at an institution that is part of a network environment with one Network Zone and various Institution Zones, the Authority Control Task List, in its current form, is a tool that is of very limited use.
NZ-BIB-records are processed by the various jobs on the NZ level, while IZ-BIB-records are processed on the IZ level. On the IZ level, one is currently notified about IZ records, along with records linked to CZ - even if the latter are obviously not processed on the IZ level, but on the CZ level.
Records linked to NZ (which, in the framework mentioned above, usually make up a significant number, if not the majority, of BIB records) are currently left out.
To make sure that all necessary corrections can be conducted regarding all the resources, that are available in a particular library, it would be necessary for the ACTL to contain reports on any BIB record a library has holdings of, no matter if it is an IZ, an NZ, or a CZ record.
This would of course increase the volume of the ACTL reports in each of the Institution Zones by a great deal. To be able to efficiently tackle the tasks at hand an additional filter would be of great help. As of now, there is a filter to include/exclude BIB records that are linked to the CZ, such a filter would be necessary for records linked to NZ as well.

Now in Alma, the Consortia Authority Control Task List (ACTL) includes a new filter for NZ-linked records to be used by the Consortia members. This allows to filter out changes reported in the institution's Authority Control Task List and only view NZ-linked records.