Follow NACO rules when linking bib headings (reduce number of "ambiguous" headings in ACTL reports)
When linking bib headings, Alma does not follow NACO comparison rules when checking for ambiguous headings. This results in numerous headings not linking at all, and being reported as ambiguous. This reduces the utility of Alma's authority control process, because there are too many headings to link manually.
Examples of headings that Alma won't link because they are "ambiguous"
- Peabody Essex Museum
Peabody & Essex Museum
Ciné+ (France)
Cine France
Mohammad, Ali
Mohammad Ali (a cross-reference in the authority record for Ali, Mohammad)
McFarland & Company
McFarland Company (cross-reference in authority record for J. Horace McFarland Company)
Authority File Comparison Rules (NACO Normalization)

Corinna Baksik commented
I removed my votes so I could apply them elsewhere, as only 4 other votes were received. This idea duplicates others in the exchange.