Make all PNX elements referable in Template URLs (of General E-Services) and Dynamic URLs
In the Template URL of a General E-Service and in the Dynamic URL of a given collection of e-resources you can currently refer to any piece of metadata that Alma has included in the Context Object ("CTO"). The attributes of the Context Object are based on the OpenURL 1.0 standard but while this standard provides slots to convey any kind of locally scoped metadata (e.g. local identifiers) as well as globally scoped metadata (e.g. ISBN, ISSN, OCN, DOI) and descriptive metadata (e.g. author name, book title, journal title, article title) there is currently no way to let Alma include locally scoped metadata into the CTO.
Unfortunately, this prevents you from using local identifiers in Template / Dynamic URLs in order to link to specific local services, for example. For former SFX customers, in particular, this is a very serious and painful feature loss.
Extending the OpenURL standard to locally scoped metadata has made it very flexible and successful. Hence, extending the Alma CTO in a way that makes any PNX element referable will definitely boost the potential of General E-Services.