Provide sort order information for AVE (portfolio) fields in BIBs API
When there are multiple portfolios from the same e-collection associated with the same bib record, the Alma Link Resolver (and Primo) displays them in the same order that they appear in Alma. When AVE (portfolio) information is retrieved using "expand=e_avail" in the BIBs API’s Retrieve Bib or Retrieve Bibs service, the AVE fields are returned in no particular order. AVE fields returned for a particular bib record should include an element giving the sort order of the portfolio within that e-collection, as it appears in Alma. This would allow custom discovery interfaces to display Online Access links in the order the library already specified in Alma, as is done in the Alma Link Resolver and Primo.
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Katie Dunn commented
Our current workaround is doing a natural sort by public note within our discovery application, but this doesn't work for all situations. Examples: public note contains roman numerals, or situations where correct order of portfolios can't be determined by a sort.