API - Fines & Fees Function - Single Email Receipt with Line-Item Summarization for Partial-Payments
Our organization has given our patrons the ability to submit bulk (line-item) full/partial-payments on individual fines & fees.
When processing these transactions, we must send individual line-item transactions to the API which results in individual payment-receipt emails being sent to the patron.
Conversely, the API’s pay-all function sends out a single payment-receipt email with a summary of the fully-paid line-items.
We would like a function which can transact an array of line-item payments and generate a single payment-receipt email like that of the /fees/all function.
Something like:
fees (array) [{fee_id, amount}…]
Thank you,

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Alma Product Team
jonatan commented
I think you can use it, especially since in the digitalization century in which we live this procedure is quite simple and does not require a lot of hassle. The mechanism you want to use to transfer wages is one of the most modern and applicable for the future. Something similar exists on https://www.thepaystubs.com/, this is the platform that I use both to pay the salaries of my employees, but also to have my necessary fees and taxes calculated. With this method, also used by you, the whole mechanism becomes even more secure, transparent and easy to use.