Alma should remove any whitespace before/after identifiers, barcodes, call numbers etc.
Alma should automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespace in user identifiers, barcodes, call numbers etc. - any kind of identifiers entered manually or via copy&paste. Barcodes that are not working, users that are not matched at login are examples of real-life malfunctions that cost us time to analyze, all caused by a simple trailing blank entered in a form. It could be easily trimmed by Alma itself with neglectible implementation effort.

Toby Teng commented
This is still a desperately needed feature in 2024. Please consider implementing it.
Timothy Prettyman commented
I can't believe this is not being done! This is a "fix a defect" request, not an enhancement request.
Evan Marzahn commented
Particularly frustrating since some parts of Alma (e.g. some search fields) seem to ignore leading/trailing whitespace, while others don't. I wish it were consistent.
Dean Lingley commented
Ditto on this one. Trying to create a physical item set using a set of barcodes and 22,000 wouldn't match up... come to find out they all have a space stored at then end of them. Alma should fix this automatically,