Make "Borrowing patron" a customizable option on Scan In Items screen
When a book is scanned in from the Scan In Items page, there are some options under the Settings gear that be added to display more (or less) information. One of these should be to show the information on the borrowing patron and a link to Manage Fulfillment Activities or the Patron Record. I understand this is an available field on the "Return Items" page. However, there are times when I am scanning in books that I'm not sure if they are signed out or not. If I use the Return Items page I get a pop-up for every book that isn't signed out which is mildly annoying so when I have large batches of books (say shipped from another library location) where there are likely both returns and branch-owned materials, I often use the Scan In Items page but then miss out on the Borrower field.
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