Fines/Fees API needs a PUT option to allow us to change the status of the loan
We have several fines/fees that have been paid or waived that are still in ACTIVE status. We would like to be able to change the status, either in Alma (one at a time) or with the API so that we could change multiple transactions.
The Pay/waive/dispute/restore user fine/fee API can be used to pay fines (see
Jim Robinson commented
We do not want to pay fines. The fines have been paid, waived, or otherwise taken care of. The problem is that these completed fines still have an ACTIVE status, so the status field is useless to us in Analytics.
We want to CHANGE the fine status from ACTIVE to CLOSED. Nothing else. The fine has been handled long ago. Most of the problem records we have found are from 2015-2017, I believe.
Since there is no field to change status in the POST method, and we can't PUT an object based on rest_fee.xsd with the status changed to ACTIVE, I don't understand how we can use POST to change the status.