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146 results found

  1. Please enable a feature or function to search by keyword notes in Patron accounts.

    Our library adds Notes about individual patron activities in User Details. We want to be able to keyword search these Notes and export a list of Patrons with the keywords in their User Details.

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  2. Sage Complete Deep Backfile collection 2024

    University of Milan has purchased the Sage Complete Deep Backfile collection 2024. We would like that it is added in Alma.

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  3. In Alma analytics, "Physical Items" subject area, add "Process Type Status" field

    We would like to easily report on how many and which items are currently under each process type status (sometimes also called "work order status"). Currently, this field is only available in analytics in the "Physical Items Historical Events" subject area, and it is difficult to extract the current status of an item. See also related NERS Requests #7177, #7242

    See attached file for clarification of the somewhat confusing terminology in this area of Alma

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    3 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →

    Dear Colleagues, 

    As I previously wrote, you can use the Item Work Order Department Status Change folder in the Physical Items Historical Events subject area to report on "how many and which items are currently under each process type status". For current status, you can either filter by "Work Order Next Status" is empty or by "Event End Date is Empty".

    As we have not heard from you since, we understand that this covers your request. 

    All the best,

    Shoshana de la Fuente

    Senior Product Owner

    Library Solutions Analytics

  4. Enable content of patron queries to be attached to Borrowing request

    Content of Patron Queries: Add information sent in a patron query as an attachment to a Borrowing request to enable staff to see previous communication sent to patrons.

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  5. Bring back alt+keystrokes

    In MDE pushing the alt key now moves between menu items. However, this means it is no longer possible to use alt + keystrokes to enter characters such as © etc, something that was infinitely more useful.

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  6. customize job schedules

    The existing schedule options for jobs are limited to daily, weekly, or monthly. It would be nice to be able to customize job schedules.

    For example, we'd like to run a job for an Analytics report every four months rather than every day, every week, or every month.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    Dear Community

    This is already supported since May 2024, as documented in the Release Notes:

    "Scheduling Support for Manual Jobs (Run a Job)" 


    Uri Beladev

    Library Platform, Product Manager

  7. Linked Account Shared Fields (expand with additional identifiers)


    we would like to be able to copy over the additional id's when 'find a user in another institution'! Could this field be added to the Linked Account Shared Fields mapping table?


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    Setting up 'Cross Consortia Identifiers' in the NZ enables selecting which IDs will be shared across the network. The IDs must be unique across all teh network !


  8. Extend or allow one to be able to extend the time it takes to time-out when on the Manage Patron Services screen.

    Please extend or allow one customise their own time-out settings for the Manage Patron Services screen.

    Gets on my nerves when I'm in the middle of composing an email to a Patron about their loans and I have to keep bringing up their account because it goes back to the search screen.

    I need more time if I'm dealing with: fines, loan history, and making notes on an account, whilst trying to communicate what I'm doing.

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  9. Restrict Access Policy for Digital representations by Geographical Location

    We would like to be able to restrict access to digital representations by geographical location. The specific use case we have at the moment is that we want to apply for an orphan works license for one of our collections but it would only cover us for the UK so need to be able to restrict access.

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  10. Consistently include Use Cases for new features listed in Release Notes

    We'd like to see a use case or rationale for all Release Notes, in addition to the description of the new functionality and any necessary documentation. This could be something you could link to from the Release description, in the interest of brevity. While these are sometimes provided, their inclusion is currently sporadic.

    Often while reviewing Release Notes with colleagues we find ourselves wondering exactly what problem is being solved and why someone would want to enable or adopt a new functionality. Including the use case or rationale for each enhancement could increase buy-in and understanding for a wider user…

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    Already Supported  ·  1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  11. Allow patrons to renew the due date of their item, if a request on title level exists, but their copy is not the recalled one

    Please offer the option to configure physical item requests in a way that ONLY the recalled copy is blocked from being renewed.
    All other patrons who have loaned a copy should be able to renew their due dates according to the maximum renew period.

    Our institution offers patrons to place requests on borrowed media on title level. ALMA sets the copy with the earliest loan date to the renew status "recalled". Until this - or any other copy - has been returned, ALL other copies of the title cannot be renewed and therefore have to be returned to the library.

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  12. Send ebook access models through the autoholdings integration profile

    It would be very helpful if vendors could send ebook access models (1U, 3U, UA), and Exlibris could load them into the portfolio information, as part of the autoholdings integration profile, especially for Ebook Central. Updating this manually is difficult, especially given that ebooks are added to this collection continuously through many different feeds and not all of them have PO lines where access models can be added. We want to take full advantage of this great new feature, and it would be great if it could be automatically managed for us.

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  13. Add 'accessed IP' data on the FERPA Report

    According to guidelines in Korea, we have to check accessing user id's IP address when the user access the Alma and view some users' information. However, there is no IP address field on the subject area 'Event' of Alma analytics ( Please add the IP address field ASAP.

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  14. Allow search by patron phone number

    In the UI and the API. This would be helpful in managing opt-in/opt-out for SMS notification programs. We know a number has replied STOP to a library notification, but don't know which patron's settings to adjust!

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  15. Converting Digitization request to RS request - The notes field from the digitization request should be added to the RS request note field

    When converting a digitization request to resource sharing borrowing request. The digitization notes field should be copied to the resource sharing request note field. This would also help interlibrary loan staff know that the item was converted from a digitization request. But also many notes are added by library staff in the digitization request notes field when triaging the request. Therefore, this would be useful for the interlibrary loan staff to see on the first page of the request, rather than having to click through to the notes section.

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  16. Converting Digitization request to RS request - on conversion the Chapter title to be added to Chapter Number

    When converting a digitation request into a Resource Sharing borrowing request. We need the chapter title should be also be transferred to the chapter number (or to both “Chapter Number” and “Chapter title”). So that it can be recognised by the RapidILL API process.

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  17. RapidILL

    RapidILL chapter/article forms in Alma. If a patron fills in the wrong form e.g. Fills the article form for a chapter and vice versa. There is no way to flip them without entering a new request in the correct form.

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  18. Online chat details and history

    The online chat in Alma, is very useful and efficient, it's a shame, though, that the chat is not documented, and when a case is opened after the chat is closed, even the subject of the chat does not appear there. Only when support agent, actively writes a case, when it's too complicated issue for a chat, that the chat details appears. This problem might prevent customers from using the chat.

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  19. Have both preferred and regular user names populate User Management search list

    Currently when searching for a user by their regular name, only the preferred name populates the search list. In our sandbox, with a nod to Jane Austen, a user named Elizabeth Bennet has the preferred name Lizzie Darcy. A search for Bennet only pulls up the preferred name in the list of results. This results in some confusion because there are numerous Bennets. If both names appeared, no matter what the circumstances, the patron could be readily found.

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  20. Fines/Fees API needs a PUT option to allow us to change the status of the loan

    We have several fines/fees that have been paid or waived that are still in ACTIVE status. We would like to be able to change the status, either in Alma (one at a time) or with the API so that we could change multiple transactions.

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