Upload Electronic Holdings (Autoload holding list) – the reports do not listed out the deleted titles
We use the autoload feature to update electronic holdings for specific vendors such as ScienceDirect and Ovid.
After autoload, we find that the job will list out the no. of portfolios “added”, “updated”, and “deleted” but without the deleted titles listed out at the job report. Whenever a portfolio is deleted, we need to check if the deleted titles are removed correctly? Do we have perpetual access right for the deleted titles and do we need to claim for the access right with the new publisher.
We use the load portfolios tool in the Electronic service to add/update/delete portfolios for collections without the autoload features. We can validate online or download the action list to check if the add/delete/update actions are really want by us before performing the update. Why the same validate file is not available for the autoload function and the deleted titles cannot be listed out for follow up action? I really appreciate if ExLibis will consider it and include also the deleted titles in the report for the customers to check and follow up.
Now in Alma. the Upload Electronic Holdings job reports are improved.
For more information, see Monitoring the Upload Electronic Holdings Job.
Dear community, this enhancement is implemented as described in my last update, and is planned to be released as part of the upcoming November release.
We appreciate your cooperation! -
Carol Ido commented
Indicating titles that have been deleted is important information. For example, in July 2023, several hundred portfolios were erroneously deleted from our Springer ebooks collection. I had to download multiple job reports and run comparisons on the files to identify which titles had been deleted. It would have been so much easier if deleted portfolios were listed in the reports.