Adding 'own' Covers to Alma records!
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We would like to have the ability to add covers in Alma (and display those in Primo) for all kinds of records.
Patricia Farnan commented
Please develop this - we are starting to work with Collection Discovery and OER resources, and would like to add book covers where they aren't found by Syndetics.
Marisol Ramos commented
I hope ExLibris offer a solution for this issue. Many old editions, foreign language titles and small presses don't have book covers available through PRIMO. It makes any Discovery Collection sort of drab compare with other collections that use current English language books.
[Deleted User] commented
We have tried a couple of options to add cover images to records.
Option 1. Adding an 856 42 with a link to a thumbnail image and an associated Primo links:thumbnail normalization rule.
Option 2. Adding an image as an "Auxilary" digital representation in a digital collection.
Both of these workaround approaches are not ideal.