If e-collection from CZ is already active in NZ, ask for validation
It is possible to activate electronic collections from the CZ more than once in your NZ. We are aware there are use cases where this is the desired behaviour.
Yet it would be nice if there was a short dialogue: "The collection is already active in your NZ. Are you sure you want to activate it again?" - just to avoid duplicate activation by mistake.

[Deleted User] commented
Thank you for pointing this out, Mary! Actually we did have IZ in mind when writing this idea (I copied most of the text from a Salesforce case where the support agent swapped IZ for NZ), but there is no option to edit the initial description. You are right that in - especially bigger - consortia it might be tedious to work with reminders for the NZ.
Mary Grenci commented
If this idea is aimed at consortia that manage e-resources in a NZ, it could be useful and would mirror what is already present functionality for CZ to IZ activations.
It would be problematic if it was meant to include all NZ situations, though. That is, we would not want to receive this pop-up message every time an institution in our consortium had activated a collection before us.
[Deleted User] commented
Thanks for the comment, Stacey! You are right, this definitely should be implemented for CZ to IZ as well.
Stacey van Groll commented
Also for CZ into IZ as well please!