Separate courtesy notice before max loan period reached
Users as well as staff find it difficult to keep track of the max loan period, especially with auto-renewals the expectation is that the loan period gets renewed all the time, and it catches people by surprise that the max period has been reached. A separate message warning them of the max loan period approaching, with its own configurable number of days before due date it will be sent, would give users time to arrange for either return of items or bringing them in for renewal.
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Alma Product Team
cek commented
HI Moshe,
This would still be the generic courtesy message. Staff would find it easier if users were aware of the reason why they need to return the item - either recall or max loan renewal, or any user blocks/overdue items that prevent auto-renewals. If the email explained which of these cases was the reason for the imminent due date, staff would get fewer queries overall. -
You can set the 'Days before due date' parameter of the auto renew job to give the patrons a longer heads up. For example, setting it to 14 would send a courtesy notice 14 days before the due date. In conjunction with setting the 'Handle loans' parameter to 'Once when due date is within range' will allow renewals to still succeed if they become renewable (for example by block being removed) later.