Borrowing Activity Report Job – send to smaller sub-sets of borrowers
Once letters have been sent, this generates a glut of borrower loan and fine queries all at the same time.
Need an ability to send the letters in smaller sub-sets in order to even out the follow-up enquiries to not all be at the same time.
For example, vary the day sent according to User Group

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C Macarthur commented
The ability to select sets of users and include their account/loan details in communication as the general user notification letter does not allow you to include this kind of information and the fulfilment job for sending patron activity letters is either all or nothing. There does appear to be a very long-winded way to send this kind of information but involves turning off notification for all users then enabling it again for the specific set before re-enabling it again.
We would like to send a customised letter to a specific set of users with active loans which includes their loans and also any outstanding fines. We would want to select these by different user groups/expiry dates for example and then customise each batch of letters and have these letters automated.