Make Query to Patron Letter use addressFrom like any other letter
The Query to Patron letter functionality for Borrowing Requests in Alma has recently been reimplemented to use the standard mail configuration in Alma. By some reason an exception has been made for the "addressFrom" setting, where it instead still uses the default address for the Resource Sharing library.
This is counter intuitive, as the addressFrom value is still configurable for the letter, only it doesn't have any effect. I'm still surprised my case (#00609529) was identified as a documentation issue and not a bug.
If you like us has selected to not implement a separate Resource Sharing library, this also effectively prevents us from using a separate address for these letters. When switching to the new letter type, this was the feature we most looked forward to ...
Please make this setting take effect for the Query To Patron Letter just like for any other letter.
(If there are use cases where this would make things worse, please consider adding an general option to toggle between the two styles!)

As of the May 2023 release, you can set the default 'sent from' email address to be different from the main library email address. When rs_use_addressfrom_letter_param (Fulfillment Configuration Menu > General > Other Settings) is set to true (default false), instead of letters being sent from the Preferred Email Address set in Fulfillment > Library Management > Contact Information, the email is sent from the letter configuration addressFrom (Configuration > General > Letters > Letters Configuration).