Purge User Records - allow to keep users with Blocks
Right now the Purge User Records job does not delete users with active loans and users with a fee > than a specific threshold.
Users with active Blocks are instead deleted.
Adding to Purge User Records job an option allowing to keep the users with blocks would be very useful.

Kirsten Davis commented
Another use case for this: A student graduates with a block in place. A few years later, the account is purged. Sometime after that, the person comes back and wants an alumni account. As we have lost the information pertaining to the block, we have then lost that patron's history.
Julie Christensen commented
At our university we need to process the replacement fee outside of Alma in our finance dept. So the replacement fee is waived in Alma and the user block needs to stop a purge because the payment hasn't happened yet. So we need to keep the user profile and it's history.
Can you elaborate on why you would need to keep blocked user records even if they have no fines or active loans ?