Disallow deletion of sets that are used by jobs (publishing profiles, etc)
When deleting sets, please perform a check to see if that set is in use by a publishing profile or other job, and show a popup dialog telling the user that the set cannot be deleted because it is in use, or allow deletion but warn the user that the set is in use by a publishing profile etc.

Shaun Akhtar commented
This check should also apply to sets in use by the new logical collections feature. It would be great if the Manage Sets page could display tags for sets that are used by publishing profiles, logical collections, etc., similar to the current tags "Filtered set" and "Contains filtered sets".
Betsy R. commented
Yes!!!! My computer programming instructor would have failed me if I had written code that allowed the deletion of data that was still in use by another process without so much as an error message or request for confirmation. And that request needs to be specific, i.e. "This set is referenced xyz job [or even "a job"]. Are you sure you want to delete?" Generic "Are you sure you want to delete this set" messages that appear for all deletion requests are completely useless. Generic "are you sure you want to delete this set" messages that only come up when there is a conflict, but don't tell you what the conflict is are only slightly better than useless.