Making purchase order letters more configurable to add imprint information (place of publication, publisher, and publication year) to the le
Making purchase order letters more configurable to add imprint information (place of publication, publisher, and publication year) to the letter to vendor. As it is now only the ISBN (if it is available) and title are listed, sometimes the author. Many vendors reply asking for further information to identify what it is we are ordering.

Anonymous commented
very important!
Anonymous commented
Useful for other features like ISMN or order numbers (as for sheet music, DVDs, etc.)
Christian commented
We enhanced our bibliographic citation for POL letters:
<xsl:if test="creator != ''"><xsl:value-of select="creator"/>: </xsl:if><xsl:value-of select="meta_data_values/title"/>
<br /><xsl:if test="publication_place != ''"><xsl:value-of select="publication_place"/> : </xsl:if><xsl:if test="publisher != ''"><xsl:value-of select="publisher"/>, </xsl:if><xsl:if test="publication_date != ''"><xsl:value-of select="publication_date"/></xsl:if>
<!-- neu mit Juni 2018 Release: (series) 490 series_statement / 830 series_uniform_title BOF -->
<xsl:if test="series_statement != ''"><br />(<xsl:value-of select="series_statement"/>)</xsl:if>
<!-- new with June 2018 Release 830 series_uniform_title (in our case not useful) -->
<!-- <xsl:if test="series_uniform_title != ''"><br /><xsl:value-of select="series_uniform_title"/></xsl:if> -->
<!-- new with June 2018 Release: (series) 490 series_statement / 830 series_uniform_title BOF -->
<xsl:if test="identifier != ''"><br /><xsl:value-of select="identifier_type"/> <xsl:value-of select="identifier"/></xsl:if>But there is still enough to do!
Status Quo in Alma:
(1) The bibliographic information in a PO Line includes the first ISBN (Marc21 020) or ISSN (Marc21 022) only.
If a record includes more than one ISBN (or ISSN), this information is missing in the order letter.
(2) In case of other materials than books and journals - without ISBN or ISSN - identifiers like ISMN and EAN (Marc21 024) or other publisher numbers (Marc21 028) are skipped --> the <identifier> field in the XML file is empty.
So, please provide us all 020 / 022 entries, not only the first ISBN or ISSN and include also 024 and 028 to the XML file (it is possible, that a record has both: 020 and 024 or 028, etc.)The main problem seems to be the so-called "Bib reference" - a shortened bibliographic record, which is used for POL letters and also for the Arrival functionality (so only the first ISBN/ISBN can be searched).