My feedback
47 results found
139 votes
Christian supported this idea ·
74 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
61 votes
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.
It will be reviewed and addressed according to the regular workflow of content requests.
My sincere apologies.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Christian supported this idea ·
12 votes
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.
It will be reviewed and addressed according to the regular workflow of content requests.
My sincere apologies.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Christian supported this idea ·
51 votes
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.
It will be reviewed and addressed according to the regular workflow of content requests.
My sincere apologies.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Christian supported this idea ·
16 votes
This request has been selected as part of the 2025 CERV votes.
We will reach out to the content provider, and ask for the metadata for his collection.
If you can share a designated contact person with this provider, that would be much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Christian supported this idea ·
9 votes
AdminTamar Ganor (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.
It will be reviewed and addressed according to the regular workflow of content requests.
My sincere apologies.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Christian supported this idea ·
75 votes
119 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
The notes-tab also stores other "notes" that do not belong here, e.g. "Line was removed from Order PO-123456"
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
Hi Kylie,
see also: Add a link from the PO line to the "Receive" workbench ( and the comment - in the new layout of the PO Line Task List receiving is possible directly within the PO Line.
Best regards,
Christian. -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
you can set parameters like "User group" for "Booking" fulfillment unit rules or have i misunderstood this idea?
Christian. -
20 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
In the new layout of the PO Line Task List receiving is possible directly within the PO Line.
1. Open the PO Line in "Edit" mode
2. Go to "Ordered items" section
3. Click the ellipsis menu ("...") and choose "Receive" -
34 votes
Christian supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
A note about the CSS work-a-round:
When you open the "full view" of a record the HTML code for this pages looks like:
<body class="md-dialog-is-showing" ...>
Due to a CSS directive the "Feedback" dialog is displayes.However, when you reload such a "full view" page, the HMTL codes changes to:
Now the class "md-dialog-is-showing" and the CSS directive does not work anymore and the "Give us Feedback" section is not displayed.
The work-a-round does not work in this case.Please provide us a solution via the Primo backend (Primo BO) where we can define on which pages in Primo the "Feedback" dialog should be displayed.
Thank you in advance!An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
It is the same with us, also we have only one option active ('Report a broken link'), because we currently use another tool for general user requests. So the feedback option only makes sense in the full display, but Ex Libris support told us that this configuration possibility is not planned for the near future.
Therefore, currently we control the display resp. non-display via CSS:/* Generally do not show the 'Feedback tool' ... */
prm-report-problem {
visibility: hidden;
/* ... but show it only on the Full Display screen (desktop view) ... */ prm-report-problem,
prm-full-view-page prm-report-problem {
visibility: visible;
/* ... and also on mobile devices (not only in 'landscape mode') ... */ prm-report-problem button#reportProblem,
prm-full-view-page prm-full-view-page prm-report-problem {
display: block;
/* ... but do not show it in top menu ('...' menu) */ primo-explore.background-dark prm-report-problem {
visibility: hidden;
div {
display: none;
} -
71 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
The idea made it to the 2nd round of NERS 2023 voting, but then did not receive enough votes to be implemented.Attached the implementation plans discussed with Ex Libris (8212-solution with images.docx) and two notes:
(1) Side effect: Have all identifiers on the PO line ("Preferred" and "Proposed Identifiers") be searchable in the Receiving workbench.
(2) Additional information for an identifier like (hardcover : alk. paper):
Our colleagues would be pleased if this information could be printed on the order letters. Correctly this information is stored in subfield $c. Sometimes it is stored in subfield $a but this is not common practice.
020 - International Standard Book Number (R)
$a - International Standard Book Number (NR)
$c - Terms of availability (NR)
$q - Qualifying information (R)
024 - Other Standard Identifier (R)
$a - Standard number or code (NR)
$c - Terms of availability (NR)
$q - Qualifying information (R)
028 - Publisher or Distributor Number (R)
$a - Publisher or distributor number (NR)
$b - Source (NR)
$q - Qualifying information (R)Ideally the content of subfield $c and $q will be stored in the XML field <type> under the node <meta_data_values>.
And if subfield $a contains not only the identifier, Ex Libris "splits" the content:
- identifier ... goes to <identifier>
- and the rest ... goes to <type>Christian shared this idea ·
59 votes
Christian shared this idea ·
24 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
Note: this is not only a Primo VE issue. It is also relevant for the 'classic' Primo UI.
Christian supported this idea ·
37 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Christian commented
See also:
Set continuing orders not to claim
Automated order claiming shared this idea ·
25 votes
Christian shared this idea ·
48 votes
Christian supported this idea ·
33 votes
Christian shared this idea ·
Just to be reminded:
The NERS voting winner from 2021: ID #7177 ... Add option to configure Process Types for Unavailable Physical Items, without creation of requests
However, the implementation did not meet the specifications. That's why there are always new attempts to get a usable solution ...