ACQ: Improve PO Line Claiming job
Please make the PO Line Claiming job more granular. Sending claim letters to all vendors without restriction of any kind is not really feasible.
It should be possible to define own sets of PO lines (which should be claimed) by using the following criteria:
- One time orders
- Continuous orders: All / Serials / Standing orders
- Vendors: All / only specific vendors
- Acquistition types: All / only specific types (purchase, legal deposit, exchange, etc.)
Julie Rashid commented
On the vendor record, selecting or deselecting which vendors receive automated claims should be possible. This will allow us to start claiming EDI serials with vendors like Ebsco without having claim letters sent to ALL vendors for ALL campuses (UMN is on Group settings).
Christian commented
See also:
Set continuing orders not to claim
Automated order claiming