ILL cancel/reject workflow - "Lender Reject Email Letter"
ILL workflow scenario of a library with several sublibraries.
- Step 1: The (central) Resource Sharing Department creates a fulfillment request to receive a book from a sublibrary (to be sent via interlibrary loan).
- Step 2: The sublibrary can not or will not send the book and therefore the sublibrary cancels the request. This also triggers a "Lender Reject Email Letter" to ILL partner.
However, the fulfillment request cancellation form only provides these fields:
- Cancellation reason
- Cancellation note
But a "Lender Reject Email Letter" needs the following fields:
- Reject reason
- Note to partner
The "Cancellation reasons" do not match with the "Reject reasons" (see attachement).
Because Alma is missing "Reject reason" and "Note to partner", the "Lender Reject Email Letter" provides hard-coded the following data:
/notification-data/reason-unfilled: Other
/notification-data/note-to-partner: Request cannot be fulfilled
It is fine that by canceling the fulfillment request, the ILL partner is also informed and the Resource Sharing Department does not have to perform this action additionally.
But no "standardized" reason for rejection (as in the reject form) and also no personalized note can be passed to the ILL partner.
As a result, there are always questions from ILL partners (whether the book cannot be borrowed in general or whether it is only borrowed at the moment).
Possible solution:
The fulfillment request cancellation form provides a optional section where you can choose a "Reject reason" and place a "Note to partner" (which is necessary for the "Lender Reject Email Letter").
Thank you in advance!