Allow reserves citations from Network Zone electronic portfolios
When adding a citation to a course reading list through a repository search, that search is currently limited to the IZ. However, for consortial Alma implementations, there may be significant electronic inventory managed in the NZ, and that becomes unavailable to reserves. When doing a repository search to add a citation, NZ electronic inventory should be available.

Marie Song commented
This also poses a significant problem for our consortium as a large portion of electronic inventory is NZ-managed.
Krystie Wilfong commented
This has actually not fully been addressed. While you can now search the NZ when adding content to reading lists, you can not add the content and have it show up in Primo. We still have to add brief records for any e-content consortially owned and mantained in the NZ. This is still a significant problem.
Chris Bulock commented
I believe this one has now been addressed. While doing a repository search to add an item in reserves, it's possible now to change the search scope and select NZ portfolios. I can't delete the post because it has votes attached, but I consider this resolved.
Anonymous commented
This is a significant problem for us. Our reserves program provides access to ALL required course books. This is an important (and expensive) program that is hamstrung by the inability to surface those books in reserves.
Christine Murray commented
Almost all of our electronic inventory is in the NZ, and we have a very large course reserves program, so this is vital for our library.