Changing or moving the "Add all Portfolios from Community" button in Electronic Collections
When adding a new portfolio to an existing electronic collection there are several options. Two of these options are "Add Portfolios from Community" and "Add All Portfolios from Community". These options sit beside each other and are the same colour and design. The only difference between them is the word "all". 5 times in the last twelve months we have had the experience where separate operators have selected the "Add All Portfolios from Community" in error when they really only wanted to import a single record. The result has been that Alma commenced to import tens of thousands of records into the electronic collection - that then required a process to delete the records.
We are suggesting that the the options be coloured differently to make them more distinguishable from each other or to least separate the two options and highlight the word "All" from the "Add All Portfolios from Community" option
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